Vacationing while nursing is very easy and convenient if you prepare yourself. You will need a few essentials in order to make it all go smoothly, but all in all, nursing over bottle feeding makes the travel EASIER! Yes I said easier. Nursing your baby as a plane takes off and lands is not only calming to an infant who may be a bit afraid of the new experience, but also the swallowing helps to ease the pressure on his ears. The milk is already special made for him and it's already the right temperature! Now if you only had a way to discreetly get it in his mouth....this is where the essential nursing apparel comes into play. With a nursing bra, a nursing cover and a nursing top , your plane ride, train ride, boat ride, night out at a restaurant, lunch at the pool is simply a breeze! Now you may want to add a nursing swimsuit to that list if you plan on getting tan. Visit and get the essential items for your vacation now! Little tip: I took my nursing pillow with me as well. It made a nice sleeping spot for my son (he was 4 months old when we vacationed in Key West) on my lap on the plane. It was also very nice to have it for all of his night time feedings. I made do without it while we were out and about though. Just an extra luxury item...not necessary though. Happy Nursing Travels!
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